Sunday, January 22, 2017

Flubber - VFX review

Movie - Flubber
released - 1997
Director - Less Mayfield
Cinematography - Dean Cundey
VFX - ILM (Industrial Light & Magic)
Practical / Animatronics - 

If flying Robots & Flying robots aren't enough a gone wrong experiment gives life to a live n dancing jelly called flubber! Just to let you know that I'm not using any copy pasting here to write articles but my memory of the film & captures pulled from the net. If i got the movie with me I do my own captures too.

Flubber was a more open approach to ILM as the directors wanted their input's on forming the jelly goo. and it was something way different to the CGI characters ILM was doing at the time. Creatures like Dinosaurs or other animals retained their shape throughout a story unless they were damaged allowing ILM to use the same digital model for animations. but this jello guy had no boundaries when it came to popping heads, arms n legs when needed!

Professor philip portrayed by the great Actor 7 comedian Robbin williams, is a goofy guy himself. having a fully automated house with robots who make toast n eggs n sporting a one of a kind flying car "thunderbird" he lives a crazy life experimenting & blowing things off!

This movie is one of a kind for the time it was shot n produced as the main character of the film which is a CGI element will only be added in post production. so until then the Actor had to interact with an imagined character, Robin williams pulled this off as he had done a few movies before which had VFX including "Jumanji".

Weebo the flying robot assistant who flies around the house showing it's emotions via the two ear like hovering controllers is a hand held puppet.  It also uses it's LCD panel which it pops out when needed to display parts of movies to show how it feels. Weebo had a few models, one for flying around and functioning with all it's wings, another which would bump into walls & get hit.

the following clip shows a remake project of Weebo where the actual guy interviews the project head with all the crazy details n input & what he had to endure in the movie.

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